
Synthesis of Sentences

Sentence synthesis का अर्थ है छोटे वाक्यों को मिलाकर एक बड़ा और प्रभावी वाक्य बनाना। यह भाषा को सरल, स्पष्ट और प्रभावशाली बनाने का एक तरीका है।
Sentence synthesis means combining two or more simple sentences into one sentence. The resulting sentence can be a simple sentence, a complex sentence, or a compound sentence, depending on the method used.

Introduction to Simple, Complex, and Compound Sentences

1. Simple Sentence

परिभाषा: Simple sentence वह वाक्य है जिसमें एक ही मुख्य clause (independent clause) होता है। इसमें एक subject और एक predicate होता है।
Structure: Subject + Verb + Object (optional)


  • He plays football. (Subject + Verb + Object)
  • The sun is shining brightly.
  • She went to the market.

2. Complex Sentence

परिभाषा: Complex sentence वह वाक्य है जिसमें एक मुख्य clause (independent clause) और एक या अधिक सहायक clause (dependent clause) होते हैं।
Structure: Independent Clause + Subordinate Conjunction + Dependent Clause


  • Although he was tired, he finished his homework.
  • She stayed at home because it was raining.
  • When the movie ended, we went for dinner.

3. Compound Sentence

परिभाषा: Compound sentence वह वाक्य है जिसमें दो या अधिक मुख्य clauses (independent clauses) होते हैं, जो coordinating conjunctions (जैसे: and, but, so, or) से जुड़े होते हैं।
Structure: Independent Clause + Coordinating Conjunction + Independent Clause


  • He wanted to play, but it started raining.
  • I went to the store, and I bought some groceries.
  • You can stay here, or you can come with us.

4. Comparison of Simple, Complex, and Compound Sentences

नीचे Simple, Complex, और Compound sentences की तुलना तालिका में दी गई है:

Type Structure Examples
Simple Sentence Subject + Verb + Object
  • She sings beautifully.
  • The dog barked loudly.
Complex Sentence Independent Clause + Subordinate Conjunction + Dependent Clause
  • Because he was late, he missed the bus.
  • Although it was raining, we went outside.
Compound Sentence Independent Clause + Coordinating Conjunction + Independent Clause
  • She likes tea, but he prefers coffee.
  • We went to the park, and we had a picnic.