
Transformation of Sentences


Transformation of Sentences का अर्थ है एक वाक्य को एक प्रकार से दूसरे प्रकार में बदलना, लेकिन वाक्य का अर्थ वही रहना चाहिए। इस प्रक्रिया से वाक्य की संरचना में बदलाव आता है, परंतु मूल अर्थ में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है।

Interchanging Complex and Compound Sentences

Complex और Compound sentences में interchange करने के लिए, दोनों categories के conjunctions के equivalent को समझना ज़रूरी है। नीचे कुछ common conjunctions का comparison दिया गया है:

1. Cause and Effect
Cause और Effect को दिखाने के लिए conjunctions का प्रयोग

Compound (Coordinate Conjunctions): for, so
Complex (Subordinate Conjunctions): because, since, as


Compound: She didn't attend the meeting, for she was feeling unwell.

Complex: She didn't attend the meeting because she was feeling unwell.

2. Contrast or Opposition
Contrast या Opposition को दिखाने के conjunctions

Compound (Coordinate Conjunctions): but, yet
Complex (Subordinate Conjunctions): although, even though, whereas


Compound: I wanted to go out, but I had too much work to do.

Complex: Although I wanted to go out, I had too much work to do.

3. Condition
Condition को दिखाने के लिए conjunctions का प्रयोग

Compound (Coordinate Conjunctions): or, else
Complex (Subordinate Conjunctions): if, unless


Compound: You must hurry, or you’ll miss the bus.

Complex: If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the bus.

4. Time
Time को दिखाने के लिए conjunctions का प्रयोग

Compound (Coordinate Conjunctions): and then
Complex (Subordinate Conjunctions): when, while, after, before


Compound: She finished her homework, and then she went out to play.

Complex: After she finished her homework, she went out to play.

5. Addition
Addition को दिखाने के लिए conjunctions का प्रयोग

Compound (Coordinate Conjunctions): and, nor
Complex (Subordinate Conjunctions): who, which, that


Compound: He enjoys hiking, and he also loves camping.

Complex: He enjoys hiking, which he finds very relaxing.

Summary Table with Additional Examples
Function Compound Conjunction (Coordinate) Complex Conjunction (Subordinate) Additional Examples
Cause/Effect for, so because, since, as Compound: She saved money, so she could travel.
Complex: She could travel because she saved money.
Contrast but, yet although, even though, whereas Compound: He wanted to help, but he didn’t know how.
Complex: Even though he wanted to help, he didn’t know how.
Condition or, else if, unless Compound: Wear a jacket, or you might catch a cold.
Complex: If you don’t wear a jacket, you might catch a cold.
Time and then when, while, after, before Compound: The sun set, and then it got dark.
Complex: After the sun set, it got dark.
Addition and, nor who, which, that Compound: She speaks Spanish, and she also understands French.
Complex: She speaks Spanish, which helps her in her job.

Interchanging Simple and Compound Sentences

Simple और Compound sentences को interchange करने के लिए, हमें यह समझना होगा कि Simple sentences एक main clause पर आधारित होते हैं, जबकि Compound sentences में दो या अधिक clauses होते हैं जिन्हें coordinate conjunctions के माध्यम से जोड़ा जाता है। नीचे categories के साथ उदाहरण दिए गए हैं:

1. Cause and Effect
Simple से Compound में बदलने के लिए कारण और परिणाम को जोड़ना

Simple: By working hard, he succeeded.
Compound: He worked hard, and he succeeded.

Simple: Due to his illness, he could not attend the meeting.
Compound: He was ill, so he could not attend the meeting.

2. Contrast
विरोधाभास दिखाने के लिए conjunctions का उपयोग

Simple: Despite his efforts, he failed.
Compound: He made efforts, but he failed.

Simple: In spite of the rain, they went to the park.
Compound: It was raining, yet they went to the park.

3. Condition
Condition को दर्शाने वाले conjunctions

Simple: Without studying, you will not pass.
Compound: Study, or you will not pass.

Simple: By following the rules, you will stay safe.
Compound: Follow the rules, or you will not stay safe.

4. Time
समय दिखाने के conjunctions

Simple: After finishing his homework, he went out to play.
Compound: He finished his homework, and then he went out to play.

Simple: Before leaving, she locked the door.
Compound: She locked the door, and then she left.

5. Addition
जोड़ने के conjunctions का उपयोग

Simple: Besides being intelligent, he is hardworking.
Compound: He is intelligent, and he is hardworking.

Simple: Along with completing the project, she presented it.
Compound: She completed the project, and she presented it.

Interchanging Simple and Compound Sentences

Simple और Compound sentences को interchange करने के लिए यह समझना आवश्यक है कि Simple sentences में prepositions या participles का उपयोग किया जाता है, जबकि Compound sentences में coordinate conjunctions का उपयोग होता है। नीचे विभिन्न functions के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली techniques और उनके examples दिए गए हैं:

Detailed Table for Interchanging Simple and Compound Sentences
Function Simple Sentence (Using Prepositions/Methods) Compound Sentence (Using Conjunctions) Method and Examples
Cause/Effect due to, owing to, because of for, so Method: Use prepositions like due to or because of in Simple sentences.
Simple: Due to heavy rain, the match was canceled.
Compound: It was raining heavily, so the match was canceled.
Contrast despite, in spite of but, yet Method: Use despite or in spite of to convert Compound to Simple.
Simple: Despite the delay, they completed the project.
Compound: There was a delay, but they completed the project.
Condition without, by or, otherwise Method: Use prepositions like without to form Simple sentences.
Simple: Without hard work, success is impossible.
Compound: Work hard, or success is impossible.
Time before, after, on and then Method: Use time prepositions to shorten the sentence.
Simple: After completing the assignment, she went to sleep.
Compound: She completed the assignment, and then she went to sleep.
Addition besides, along with, together with and Method: Use besides or along with to form Simple sentences.
Simple: Besides being a good student, she is an excellent athlete.
Compound: She is a good student, and she is an excellent athlete.
Purpose to, for, in order to and, so Method: Use infinitive phrases in Simple sentences.
Simple: To win the race, he practiced every day.
Compound: He practiced every day, so he could win the race.
Reason because of, due to for, so Method: Use prepositions to indicate reason in Simple sentences.
Simple: Due to his hard work, he succeeded.
Compound: He worked hard, so he succeeded.
Result resulting in, leading to so, therefore Method: Use participles like resulting in for Simple sentences.
Simple: He missed the bus, resulting in his being late.
Compound: He missed the bus, so he was late.

Table for Interchanging Simple and Complex Sentences

Function Simple Sentence Method Complex Sentence Method Examples
Cause/Reason Use because of, due to, or participles. Use subordinate conjunctions like because, as, or since. Simple: Due to his illness, he missed the meeting.
Complex: He missed the meeting because he was ill.
Contrast Use despite, in spite of. Use although, though, even though. Simple: Despite being tired, he completed the task.
Complex: Although he was tired, he completed the task.
Purpose Use infinitives like to, in order to. Use so that, in order that. Simple: He worked hard to succeed.
Complex: He worked hard so that he could succeed.
Condition Use without, on. Use if, unless. Simple: Without practice, you cannot excel.
Complex: If you don’t practice, you cannot excel.
Time Use prepositions like before, after, on. Use subordinate clauses like before, after, when, while. Simple: After completing the homework, she went out.
Complex: After she completed the homework, she went out.
Result Use participles like resulting in. Use so that. Simple: He missed the bus, resulting in being late.
Complex: He was late because he missed the bus.
Addition Use besides, along with. Use relative clauses like which was, who was. Simple: Besides being a good player, he is a great leader.
Complex: He is a great leader who is also a good player.

1. Assertive से Interrogative

Assertive वाक्य को Interrogative वाक्य में बदलने का मुख्य तरीका यह है कि प्रश्नवाचक रूप बनाया जाए, लेकिन वाक्य का मूल अर्थ वही रहे। इसे करने के लिए आप 'क्या', 'क्यों', या सहायक क्रिया (is, are, do, does, etc.) जोड़ सकते हैं।


Assertive: She is a good singer.
Interrogative: Is she a good singer?

Assertive: He can swim very fast.
Interrogative: Can he swim very fast?

Assertive: They will come tomorrow.
Interrogative: Will they come tomorrow?

Assertive: You have completed the task.
Interrogative: Have you completed the task?

2. Affirmative से Negative

Affirmative वाक्य को Negative में बदलते समय, 'not' या 'no' जोड़कर वाक्य को नकारात्मक बनाया जाता है। वाक्य का अर्थ नहीं बदलता, लेकिन वाक्य की संरचना बदल जाती है।


Affirmative: He is very kind.
Negative: He is not unkind.

Affirmative: I always tell the truth.
Negative: I never tell lies.

Affirmative: She is confident about the result.
Negative: She is not doubtful about the result.

Affirmative: Everyone knows the answer.
Negative: No one is unaware of the answer.

3. Interrogative से Assertive

Interrogative वाक्य को Assertive में बदलने के लिए प्रश्न को एक कथन में परिवर्तित किया जाता है। वाक्य का अर्थ वही रहता है।


Interrogative: Can she solve this puzzle?
Assertive: She can solve this puzzle.

Interrogative: Did he finish the work on time?
Assertive: He finished the work on time.

Interrogative: Will you join the meeting?
Assertive: You will join the meeting.

Interrogative: Is this the best solution?
Assertive: This is the best solution.

4. Exclamatory से Assertive

Exclamatory वाक्य को Assertive में बदलने के लिए 'very', 'great', या 'indeed' जैसे शब्दों का उपयोग किया जाता है और विस्मयादिबोधक चिह्न को हटाकर वाक्य सामान्य कथन में परिवर्तित किया जाता है।


Exclamatory: What a beautiful house!
Assertive: It is a very beautiful house.

Exclamatory: How fast he runs!
Assertive: He runs very fast.

Exclamatory: What a tragedy!
Assertive: It is indeed a great tragedy.

Exclamatory: How brave she is!
Assertive: She is very brave.

6. Active से Passive Voice

Active Voice वाक्य को Passive Voice में बदलते समय वाक्य के कर्ता और कर्म को अदला-बदली कर दिया जाता है। Passive वाक्य में सहायक क्रिया (is, are, was, were, etc.) और past participle का प्रयोग होता है।


Active: The teacher teaches the students.
Passive: The students are taught by the teacher.

Active: She will write a letter.
Passive: A letter will be written by her.

Active: They are making a cake.
Passive: A cake is being made by them.

Active: He completed the task.
Passive: The task was completed by him.

7. Simple से Complex वाक्य

Simple वाक्य को Complex वाक्य में बदलने के लिए Subordinating Conjunctions (जैसे "because", "although", "when") का उपयोग किया जाता है। यह प्रक्रिया वाक्य को अधिक विस्तृत और स्पष्ट बनाती है।


Simple: He worked hard to pass the exam.
Complex: He worked hard because he wanted to pass the exam.

Simple: She left early to catch the train.
Complex: She left early because she wanted to catch the train.

Simple: He is too tired to walk.
Complex: He is so tired that he cannot walk.

Simple: He was late due to the traffic.
Complex: He was late because there was heavy traffic.

8. Compound से Complex :Aalready taught above.

9. Degree of Comparison का परिवर्तन

Positive, Comparative, और Superlative Degree के बीच परिवर्तन करते समय वाक्य की संरचना बदलती है, लेकिन अर्थ वही रहता है।


Positive: She is as clever as her brother.
Comparative: Her brother is not more clever than her.

Positive: No other boy is as tall as John.
Comparative: John is taller than any other boy.

Superlative: He is the best player in the team.
Comparative: He is better than any other player in the team.

Superlative: This is the most expensive car in the showroom.
Comparative: This car is more expensive than any other in the showroom.

10. Removal of "Too"

जब वाक्य में "too" का प्रयोग किया गया हो, तो उसे हटाने के लिए "so...that" या "enough" का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है, जिससे वाक्य का अर्थ वही रहे।


Original: The box is too heavy to lift.
Transformed: The box is so heavy that it cannot be lifted.

Original: He is too young to drive.
Transformed: He is so young that he cannot drive.

Original: The problem is too difficult to solve.
Transformed: The problem is so difficult that it cannot be solved.

Original: She is too tired to continue.
Transformed: She is so tired that she cannot continue.