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Class XII English Literature

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English Grammar

Video Classes

Interchange of Degree Video Thumbnail

Synthesis of Sentences

By Sumit Sir | For Class XI & XII

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Interchange of Degree Video Thumbnail

Interchange of Degree

By Sumit Sir | For Class XI & XII

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Happy Children's Day!

"Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together, make this world a beautiful garden."

Let's nurture their dreams and guide them towards a brighter future.

Happy Children's Day
News & Updates | October 2024

CBSE proposes changes to curriculum of class 10 and class 12. Details here

Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) has reportedly proposed significant changes in the curriculum for class 10 and class 12. Under the proposed changes, students of class 10 will be required to study three languages, of which two must be native Indian languages, reported The Indian Express.

Achieve your Goals
Alwasy keep in mind positive thoughts

Oscar Wilde | Irish poet and playwrigth
"Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken."
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar | Father of The Indian constitution
“Life should be great rather than long”

“Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence”
Nelson Mandela| Former President of South Africa
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"
